Debian Packages

Note: packages are EXPERIMENTAL. You may want to install Wikidot plain old way using Installation guide.

Debian/Ubuntu (*.deb) packages for Wikidot software are experimental and more proof of concept than a stable product, so be aware they may break something (especially existing Wikidot installations).

Still they are really nice way to install Wikidot, because they let your package manager resolve the dependencies. This applies to deb-centric Linux distributions, but probably some can also create an RPM file using alien or similar tool.

Current wikidot package is buggy and will be changed and divided into more pieces in future.

Download the package


Install it

Using gdebi-gtk

gdebi-gtk wikidot_0.90_all.deb

Using dpkg

sudo dpkg -i wikidot_0.90_all.deb

This should complain about dependencies (apt-get install them and try again!)

Configure it

Issue (in terminal):


To get URL you need to visit to set the Admin password. Use this password to log in and set up users.

If you want to get the service more configured, edit file /usr/lib/wikidot/conf/wikidot.ini. Don't know what to put there? Consult /usr/lib/wikidot/conf/full-example-of-wikidot.ini.

How to build packages

This is normally not required, but in case you wanted to build your own packages, open terminal, get Wikidot sources from git and issue the following command (being in wikidot directory):

make debs

This requires dpkg-dev and fakeroot packages to be installed. The resulting deb will be located in build directory. The process complains about missing GPG keys at the very end, but it doesn't stop it from making the package.

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